
Emery {Savannah, Ga Children's Photographer}

Sweet Emery!
It was a joy to photograph this precious little girl who just happens to look
just like her Daddy!
She was a tough one though.
Grins were not handed out freely,
I had to work hard for each of them.
But she loved all my candy...
guess that put a smile on both of our faces :-)
Hope you enjoy your sneak peek Brandon & Hollie!
I know you must be so proud of your little girl!


Hannah said...

She is such a cutie!! I love your shots and I am sure the family is Loving them! Love the colors...they are amazing :)

Leah Maya Benjamin said...

We have that same lollipop, actually I still have I mean what in the world do you do with it, its huge, but so cute for photo's.